Monday, October 13, 2008

Installing Espeak on opensuse 11 for use with orca

After the installation of opensuse 11 is finished and you start working with orca, you probably realise that festival is somewhat slow and sluggish. If you want to use Espeak instead, follow the steps below:
open the terminal window, elevate your previleges to super user by typing su.
#zypper refresh
#zypper in make automake autoconf gcc-c++ gnome-speech-devel portaudio
#exit ##back to your user terminal window.
now type
unzip -x espeak* ##typing partial name and pressing tab completes the file name
tar xvf gnome-speech*
$cd espeak*
$sudo cp -r espeak-data /usr/share
$cd src
$cp portaudio19.h portaudio.h
#cp* /usr/lib
#cp speak_lib.h /usr/include
#ln -s /usr/lib/* /usr/lib/
$ cd gnome-speech*
./configure --with-espeak-directory=/usr/share/espeak-data
#make install

This will install espeak and configure gome-speech with the same. restart orca and espeak should appear in your speech preferences.

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