Sunday, October 12, 2008

steps to perform after the installation of opensuse 11

Opensuse 11 is one of the very good accessible linux distros. Next release i.e 11.1 promises something to be worth waiting for. here are the steps to perform after the installation has been finished. as far as the installation process is concerned, it's worth noting that it starts speaking at the boot prompt itself. press the f9 key after cd starts spinning and you hear a short beep. many steps in the process are somewhat inaccessible. never mind that and you can accept the default settings with some caution.
after opensuse 11 is installed and the machine is booted, press f2 and type orca. after the setup you need to log out and log back in in order for orca to work.
open the gnome-terminal from the run dialogue box. code:
$su ##press the return key.
##enter your password and hit enter.
#zypper refresh
#zypper update

this will make the system up-to-date.
Please note that sometimes there are problems with automatica configuration of the network settings. Because of accessibility issues. please adjust the dns settings in your modem if you face such issues.

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